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Thursday, 27 December 2007

Martin Sikes

Martin Sikes is dead. If you knew him, you don't need me to tell you how great he was, or what kind of man we've lost, or how much he'll be missed.


PhotoDiarist said...

Who was he? The name sounds so familiar... Google brought your blog up as the 7th result for a search on his name.

ToTheFront said...

Martin was a former UBC Engineer (he's one of the guys that built the sign in the Cheeze which displays the Engineering Anthem or Theme Song or whatever they call it, which incidentally is not only fully programmable by text, but also by alphabet, as well as beer machines and other nifty things around campus). Hell, he wrote BBS software that, back when I kept a phone line busy at least two hours a day, I used a few times. After UBC he founded Black Box Games, which was successful, and which he sold to EA, where he worked for several years. He was also one of the core people in Soundproof, the group that threw raves that I used to help with, and he made a strong impression on the Vancouver electrnoica scene. (I remember at a couple of parties, in particular The Gong Show, hearing things like "The Soundproof guys are here. It's going to be a good night!") He did a lot, and did it well, and had a way of making people around him happy. His obit was printed in the Sun recently:

ToTheFront said...

Let's try that link again:

Derek said...

We've set up a memorial page for Martin, with photos, blog links, and copies of almost all the eulogies, at